Phew, it feels good to finally have this bad boy back up and moving. Gotta give a special shout out to my friend, my brother and my mentor J. Keitsu at All the Way Up Studio for helping me get back on track. I would have never started this blog back in 2015 had it not been for him encouraging me to step outside my comfort zone. Thank you big bro!
So What Happened?
Long story short, WordPress had a series of updates and conversions that I completely ignored for months. Since I did not do any of the updates or conversion I ended up losing all of my content on my previous website. Also, I was a dummy and didn’t backup my data so everything was completely lost. Lesson learned.
Second issue is that my laptop completely crashed. I bought my HP Pavilion G-Series back in 2011 and it helped me get through the remaining years of college. I kept telling myself to buy an external hard drive and backup my data. But, of course, I waited until it was literally too late. Fun fact, before my HP my grandma gave me an old 1999 dell with a giant picture tube monitor. I used that bad boy to get through paralegal school, despite being made-fun of by everyone.
What To Expect?
Buckle up folks, there are a lot of political topics that I’ve been itching to dive into. I pride myself on being able to talk about complex issues in a simple way. Often times people in politics like to use big words or complicated analogies to confuse people into thinking that a particular topic is way more complicated than it really is. Truth be told, you don’t need a degree in economics or political science to understand how a public option healthcare plan works. You just need someone to explain it to you, the same way you explain directions to a stranger. Clear and direct.
My style has always been to get the facts right, rather than be the first to drop a hot take. Since I do all the research, writing, and editing myself it takes me a little longer to pump out content. But don’t worry tho, it will still be the same deep dive analysis you are used to seeing from me. Raw. Real. To the point. Ain’t no half-steppin’.
Politics Burns Me Out
I know I am not the only one. The constant tweets and phone updates about what he/she said or did gets old real fast. The 24hr news cycle has literally made us – myself included – apathetic to the horrible things that happen daily. So, to avoid making me feel like the world is ending I will sometimes write about things completely unrelated to the world of politics. Geaux Saints! Sometimes I like to try new writing techniques or mess around with search engine optimization – bare with me, I’m still learning.
Also, I recently got engaged (yo te quiero mucho esposa) and I’ve been playing around with the idea of including some content on our life together.